March 2, 2020 Work Session
Mayor James M. Jaroszynski
Trustee Timothy Dunn
Trustee J. Michael Steele
Trustee Alan Gustafson, Jr.
Lawrence Trask, Treasurer
Anna L. Fales, Village Clerk
Peter C. Fuller, DPW Superintendent
The work session meeting of the Village of Falconer Mayor and Board of Trustees was held on Monday, March 2, 2020 at 5:45 P.M. in the Community Building Board Room with Mayor James Jaroszynski presiding.
Jordan Patterson of the Post Journal was in attendance to observe the proceedings.
Trustee Dunn made a motion, seconded by Trustee Gustafson, to approve the minutes of February 10, 2020 Board of Trustee Work Session as written. Roll: Dunn: Aye, Steele: Aye, Gustafson: Aye, and Jaroszynski: Aye. Nays: None. Carried.
Mayor Jaroszynski briefly updated the board on the following topics:
- Trustee appointment-Mayor Jaroszynski will be appointing Kipp Reynolds to fill the trustee vacancy which resulted when Phil Ribaudo turned down the write-in position Mr. Ribaudo won during the November village elections.
- The mayor updated the board regarding the Annexation. He stated that talks broke down with the City when City of Jamestown Mayor Sundquist notified them that the city was planning to vote to move forward with the Annexation at their meeting on February 27, 2020. Mayor Sundquist stated that even after their vote, he wanted to continue talks but the Town, School and Village all agreed to suspend talks based on the City’s decision to continue on with the Annexation. If the City at some point decides to stop the Annexation, then the Town, Village and School would be more than willing to resume discussions.
- Despite the fact that a resident stepped forward and offered to take the lead in organizing the Farmers’ Market, it may be too late for this summer. The mayor asked the board to consider a one-year re-organizational hiatus.
- Community Building Maintenance Reserve Account-continued discussion regarding setting up a reserve account to address anticipated maintenance at the community building. Treasurer Trask suggested starting the account beginning fiscal year 2021 (June 2020) with a beginning balance transfer of $5000 using profits from the proposed sale of the Davis Street parking lot to Home Leasing. Mr. Trask suggested that Attorney Peterson guide the village in proper steps to set up the account. Trustee Steele stated that he felt it is a good plan and a good idea for the village to plan ahead.
- Fire Advisory Board update-Trustee Steele reported that he is only hearing good things out of the department. The board continues their efforts to plan ahead for the future. They are currently “talking 30-years out.”
- Solid waste proposals- The board will consult with Attorney Peterson this evening regarding potential changes to upcoming bid from a three-year down to a one-year contract.
- The board reviewed the proposed resolutions to be addressed at this evenings board meeting. There were no major questions or concerns expressed by board members. Abstracts will be presented for payment approvals at the Special Board meeting scheduled for March 23rd at 7pm. Two annexation resolutions will also be put before the board at that special meeting.
New Business:
Treasurer Trask updated the board on a meeting he had with NY CLASS regarding municipal investments. He reported that in comparing the village’s current CD investments through M&T Bank, there is only a slight difference in overall earnings. He noted that he feels that handling the village investments locally may be worth the difference. As Federal interest rates fall, CD rates also fall.
Alan Gustafson reported that he is working on building a village website. He noted that due to the large scope of the project, it may roll out in stages. He asked the board’s input on priority items, noting he had an initial list that includes: list of board members, code, meeting minutes, upcoming events, link to slick text, local attractions, board agendas, business registry and possible a link to available real estate.
Superintendent Fuller reported that he had received a price quote of approximately $13,000 from King’s heating for heating/cooling systems (2) for the main office/board room/clerk-treasurer office. Mr. Fuller suggested that with the installation of these supplemental units, it will make it easier for the boiler to keep up with the rest of the building. The boiler has continually had issues over the winter which may be partially due to the fact that the pipes connecting the boiler system are approximately 100 years old.
The office currently has 2 aging (over 13 years old) cooling only systems. As a comparison, the cost of replacing just the cooling units if they were to breakdown, the current cost would be approximately $6,200.
Per the villages procurement policy, two more price quotes are required for board consideration.
Trustee Steele made a motion, seconded by Trustee Gustafson to adjourn at 6:45 pm. Ayes: All, Nays: None. Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Anna L. Fales