February 10, 2020 Work Session
Mayor James M. Jaroszynski
Trustee Timothy Dunn
Trustee J. Michael Steele
Trustee Alan Gustafson, Jr.
Lawrence Trask, Treasurer
Anna L. Fales, Village Clerk
Peter C. Fuller, DPW Superintendent
The work session meeting of the Village of Falconer Mayor and Board of Trustees was held on Monday, February 10, 2020 at 5:45 P.M. in the Community Building Board Room with Mayor James Jaroszynski presiding.
Jordan Patterson of the Post Journal was in attendance to observe the proceedings.
Trustee Dunn made a motion, seconded by Trustee Steele, to approve the minutes of January 13, 2020 Board of Trustee Work Session as written. Roll: Dunn: Aye, Steele: Aye, Gustafson: Aye, and Jaroszynski: Aye. Nays: None. Carried.
Mayor Jaroszynski briefly updated the board on the following topics:
- Trustee appointment-still pending. Any interested residents should contact Mayor Jaroszynski.
- Annexation: talks are continuing with the city and BPU.
- March board meeting: A special meeting may be needed to address annexation. The city is expected to hold their vote on whether or not to proceed with the annexation at their February 27th voting session.
- Truck-Lite-Top officials, including Mayor Jaroszynski met with Truck-Lite officials. Truck-Lite reported that their decision to shut down production facility is tentative at this point. However, they are committed to retain their office personnel in Falconer. The mayor stated that the county IDA generously offered their resources to help Truck-Lite consider keeping their business in Falconer.
- Farmers Market-Dee is stepping back so a market manager replacement is needed. We have a very short-time line. The mayor asked the board if the village should consider a one-year hiatus to re-evaluate and restructure the program?
- Community Building Maintenance Reserve Account-continued discussion regarding setting up a reserve account to address anticipated maintenance at the community building, such as, rebuilding the parapet, repointing of the brick, heating system updates, etc. Treasurer Trask suggested starting the account beginning fiscal year 2021 (June 2020) with a beginning balance transfer of $5000. Mr. Trask suggested that Attorney Peterson guide the village in proper steps to set up the account.
- Fire Advisory Board update-the board met a couple times. Air bottles, 4” hose and computer backup equipment have been approved and ordered.
- Solid waste proposals- The village’s solid waste/recyclables contract with Casella expires this year. The board was given a copy of the current bid specifications to review and offer proposed revisions, prior to posting the bid. Trustee Steele initiated a discussion as to whether or not the bid should contain an exit clause or be changed a one-year versus a 3-year contract, to protect the village in case the village loses the Dow Street annexation.
- Trustee Dunn suggested the board earmark all services that the board would consider cutting if the village loses the annexation.
- The board reviewed the proposed resolutions to be addressed at this evenings board meeting. There were no major questions or concerns expressed by board members.
- Falconer Central School STEM Camp-Mayor Jaroszynski noted that the school asked for his signature as support for a combined funding letter to be sent out on behalf of the school & village. He noted that the village would not be providing any direct funding to the program, only in-kind services & support.
Trustee Steele made a motion, seconded by Trustee Dunn to adjourn at 6:50 pm. Ayes: All, Nays: None. Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Anna L. Fales