August 12, 2019 Regular Meeting
Mayor James R. Rensel
Trustee Timothy Dunn
Trustee James Jaroszynski
Trustee J. Michael Steele
Trustee Carmella Catanese
Lawrence Trask, Treasurer
Anna L. Fales, Village Clerk
Charles Piazza, Fire Chief
Alan P. Gustafson, Code Enforcement Officer
Peter C. Fuller, DPW Superintendent
Charles Piazza, Fire Chief
The regular meeting of the Village of Falconer Mayor and Board of Trustees was held on Monday, August 12, 2019 at 7:00 P.M. in the Community Building Board Room with Mayor James Rensel presiding.
Brian Nelson, 22 W. Falconer Street, addressed the Board. Mr. Nelson questioned his concerns over several issues; old telephone pole removal status, why the contractor, S. Tabone, has not graded off the 2 fire lots on W. Main Street and concerns about the tall grass behind the Powell building on W. Main Street. In addition, Mr. Nelson voiced one concern regarding bicycles traveling on the Main Street sidewalks too fast and endangering pedestrians. He questioned whether or not it was law for them to ride in the road. The board stated that they would follow up on all issues. They did express concerns in expecting young bikers to ride on such a busy street. Mr. Nelson stated he was more concerned about older cyclists using the pedestrian walks.
Alan Gustafson Jr., 105 W. James Street, was in attendance to observe proceedings.
Trustee Dunn made a motion, seconded by Trustee Jaroszynski, to approve the minutes of July 8, 2019 as written. Trustee Steele pointed out a typographical error on the Fires Chief’s report in the June minutes that needed to be amended. The chief’s report reflected that there were one 3 fire calls in the month of May. In addition, Trustee Steele noted that the July 8th minutes should be amended to reflect that the department responded to 44 EMS calls, 2 carbon monoxide alarms, 5 weather, 1 police standby and 5 fire alarms, 14 cancelled alarms, totaling 71 calls, 514.09 personnel hours in June. The original report from Chief Piazza was incomplete due to computer issues. Ayes: Dunn, Steele, Jaroszynski, Catanese, and Rensel. Carried.
Fire Chief
The chief’s July report was reviewed and noted that the department responded to 49 EMS calls, 2 electrical incidents, 1 vehicle fire, 3 public assistance, 4 alarms, and 2 carbon monoxide calls, totaling 61 calls, 329.54 personnel hours in July. Chief Piazza’s report reflected that 20 of the 61 calls were as mutual aid responses: 3 to Frewsburg, 12 to Jamestown, 2 to Kennedy, 1 to Kiantone, and 2 to Fluvanna.
Chief Piazza provided the board with a copy of the 2019 Chautauqua County Mutual Aid Plan.
Trustee Steele questioned why so many mutual aid calls had been responded to in the city of Jamestown. Chief Piazza responded that Alstar is unable to respond to calls at this time. He explained that the County has added an ambulance to assist in covering calls.
The department was in Jamestown on Saturday, August 10th for 8 hours at a commercial building fire.
Chief Piazza reported that Starflight is no longer active. UPMC has their own helicopters. 24 hour helicopter service is no longer available southern Chautauqua County.
Code Enforcement Office
No code report was available. The village is continuing its search for a new code officer.
Department of Public Works
The DPW report was reviewed for the period July 8-August 11, 2019. Superintendent Fuller reported that the cameras in the park are working well and have been used to assist the Town of Ellicott police with recent investigations. They were also used to identify that a pavilion was left a mess by non-renters after the renter had cleaned up and left the park.
The July library report was reviewed. This month the library received $45.00 for fines, $52.00 for copies and faxes, $26.00 basket sale, $1265.00.00 for gifts & donations and $6,749.29 other funds.
The Summer Reading Program was a huge success with an increased number of children and families visiting the library
The Falconer Public Library will have a new Story Hour Director beginning in September. Laurie Becker is stepping down after 17 years. Ashley Nelson will be replacing Mrs. Becker. This position will be funded through the Anderson-Roush grant.
Trustee Catanese made a motion, seconded by Trustee Dunn, resolving that the Standard Workday for all Falconer Public Library employees is 8 hours/day. Ayes: Dunn, Steele, Jaroszynski, Catanese, and Rensel. Carried.
The next scheduled court date regarding the Goodwill animal control violation is scheduled for August 20th at 5:30 pm in the Town of Ellicott court.
Animal Control:
A letter was received from Mr. & Mrs. Tim Strickland of Park Avenue in Falconer, stating that they are not in favor of a special permit being granted to Brenda Goodwill for animals in excess of the current statute of 2 dogs and 2 cats. Trustee Steele stated that he had spoken with other neighbors of both Mrs. Goodwill, of Park Avenue,and also Mrs. Patty Frank, of Central Avenue, both who requested the Board grant them special permits to house additional animals. In both cases, neighbors were not in favor of special permits being granted for any animals more than the 2 cats and 2 dogs allowed by village code. Trustee Steele stated that while we do not want to discourage people from caring for animals. It should be noted that no one last month told Mrs. Goodwill she had to sell her house or move. “She is the one that brought that up.” We need to be respectful of neighborhoods and follow codes.
Trustee Steele made a motion, seconded by Trustee Catanese, to hereby deny Brenda. Goodwill’s verbal request, made at the July 8, 2019 village board meeting, for a special permit to allow her permission to house 2 dogs and less than 5 cats. Ayes: Dunn, Steele, Jaroszynski, Catanese and Rensel. Carried.
Trustee Steele made a motion, seconded by Trustee Jaroszynski, to hereby deny Patty Frank’s verbal request made at the May 13, 2019 village board meeting, for a special permit to have more than 2 dogs and 2 cats. Ayes: Dunn, Steele, Jaroszynski, Catanese, and Rensel. Carried.
Clerk Fales was directed to send each requestor a certified letter outlining the board’s decisions with a copy to be sent to Village Attorney, Greg Peterson.
The July Dog Control Incidence Report was reviewed. Mr. Belin reported Judge Gerace requested his presence at a hearing on August 20, 2019 to work with defendant. The SPCA has approved a key be provided to Mr. Belin for the after-hours holding center. Mr. Belin has been advised to pick up the key at his convenience.
Superintendent Fuller reported Community Building’s parapet is in need of repair for which he is working on determining the best course of action and price quotes.
Crossing Guard:
Trustee Dunn made a motion, seconded by Trustee Jaroszynski, to approve a cost sharing agreement with Falconer Central School District at a rate of 50% of the school crossing guard’s salary for the 2019-202 school year. Ayes: Dunn, Steele, Jaroszynski, Catanese, and Rensel. Carried.
Farmers Market:
Trustee Catanese reported that the market is going ok. Five vendors have been participating. She said, “For those people that use it, it is a good service.”
Downtown Development:
A public meeting/presentation is scheduled on Tuesday, August 13, 2019 at 5:30 pm in the Falconer Fire Hall. Home Leasing will be outlining their proposed W. Main Street mixed use development project and accepting comment from the public
Trustee Steele made a motion, seconded by Trustee Dunn, to table Home Leasing’s Parking Lot Purchase Agreement for 30 days for the purpose of reviewing proposed code changes with Ingall’s Planning & Design. Ayes: Dunn, Steele, Jaroszynski, Catanese, and Rensel. Carried.
Superintendent Fuller stated that the parking Right of Ways will need to be reviewed in regards to sewers, utilities, etc. He stated that the village will need to retain the roadway.
Superintendent Fuller reported that a complaint was received regarding the Bonsie’s building garbage not having been picked up. Upon investigation, it was found that an unpaid bill was the reason for non-service by Casella at this property.
Trustee Dunn reviewed the park camera system with Superintendent Fuller.
A large limb fell from oak tree-no damage. Superintendent Fuller reported that he is researching the best way to repair the Edward Word headstone which was damaged by a previously downed limb. The sixth grade Selbourne students are interested in participating in the repair project.
Planning & Zoning:
Trustee Jaroszynski will be calling members to check their interest in serving on a combined Planning & Zoning Board and to invite them to a September 24th meeting with Ingall’s Planning & Design to review the first draft of Zoning Law & Code updates.
Old Business:
Trustee Dunn made a motion, seconded by Trustee Jaroszynski, to approve the revisions to the Village Procurement Policy as detailed in the minutes of the Work Session dated 7/10/19. Ayes: Dunn, Steele, Jaroszynski, Catanese and Rensel. Carried.
Old Business:
Trustee Dunn made a motion, seconded by Trustee Jaroszynski, to approve membership with the Chautauqua County Chamber of Commerce at an annual cost of $241 for business support & networking. Ayes: Dunn, Steele, Jaroszynski, Catanese and Rensel. Carried.
The Board received a letter from Jamie Haight, NYS Health Department, requesting the village’s support and assistance in requesting the state reconsider the elimination of Jamie’s position with the state. The board approved the mayor draft a letter of support on behalf of himself and the Board.
Trustee Dunn made a motion, seconded by Trustee Steele that Abstract #3, General Fund in the amount of $97,697.71 be approved for payment. Ayes: Dunn, Steele, Jaroszynski, Catanese and Rensel. Carried.
Trustee Jaroszynski made a motion, seconded by Trustee Catanese, that Abstract #3, Cemetery Fund in the amount of $325.48 be approved for payment. Ayes: Dunn, Steele, Jaroszynski, Catanese and Rensel. Carried.
Trustee Catanese made a motion, seconded by Trustee Dunn, that Abstract #3, Library Fund in the amount of $977.00 be approved for payment. Ayes: Dunn, Steele, Jaroszynski, Catanese and Rensel. Carried.
Trustee Steele made a motion, seconded by Trustee Jaroszynski, that Abstract #3, General Fund Hand Items in the amount of $ 65,212.34 be approved for payment. Ayes: Dunn, Steele, Jaroszynski, Catanese and Rensel. Carried.
Motion to Adjourn
Trustee Jaroszynski made a motion, seconded by Trustee Dunn, to adjourn the meeting at 8:08 PM. Ayes: Dunn, Steele, Jaroszynski, Catanese and Rensel. Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Anna Fales, Village Clerk