March 11, 2024 Work Session
Mayor James M. Jaroszynski
Trustee Anthony Cavallaro
Trustee Timothy Dunn
Trustee Alan Gustafson, Jr.
Trustee Annette Miller
Gregory Peterson, Attorney
Cindy Capestrani, Village Clerk
Paula Spunaugle, Treasurer
The work session meeting of the Village of Falconer Mayor and Board of Trustees was held on Monday, March 11, 2024 at 5:00 P.M. in the Firemen’s Exempt Hall with Mayor James Jaroszynski presiding.
Pledge of Allegiance & Roll:
Trustee Gustafson, Trustee Dunn, Trustee Cavallaro, Trustee Miller and Mayor Jaroszynski were all present.
Chautauqua Watershed Conservancy (CWC) – Twan Leenders & Vince Liuzzo
Twan Leenders, Director of Conversation at Chautauqua Watershed Conservancy spoke on the topic: Chadakoin River Restoration and Activation 2024 – Where are we now & where do we want to go?
Key points from the presentation:
- Last year the CWC performed an analysis of the entire county surface areas to show where they needed to focus their efforts in order to have the best flood control, quality water, and resilience from extreme storms and snow melts.
- The Chadakoin River and the other waterways in the county (Cassadaga Creek and Conewango Creek) have been receiving increased attention. Primarily to make the waterways safe again, increase their ability to move water downstream without causing flooding and damage to properties, stabilizing the banks to prevent erosion, and – more recently- developing ways to activate the county’s waterways economically.
- The Falconer 1.5-mile section of the Chadakoin River is a critical part of this overall plan. There are grants available for this project and CWC is asking for support in whatever way possible, in-kind service using trucks and equipment if funds are not available.
- The Chadakoin River is not funded by the state, but if it can be made navigable to the Martin Cobb Waterway, we can make a case to receive state funding. Cassadaga Creek and Conewango Creek are maintained by the county parks department and therefore receive state funding yearly for maintenance, but only if they remain navigable. There are a lot of dead ash trees coming down, clogging all of the waterways and obstructing the flow of the river which also creates problems on the banks. We are working to create a new master plan for the waterways, to prioritize the blockages that need to be removed so that the river can become safe again.
- Much of the lower portion of Conewango Creek and several sections of Cassadaga Creek (approximately 12 miles in total) have been cleared and work is ongoing in 2024.
- Several trouble spots in Falconer have been cleared out over the past few years, but the Falconer and Ellicott sections of the Chadakoin need a comprehensive clean-out to be safer, more resilient and activate-able.
- CWC would like to work with the Village of Falconer to help improve the health and safety of the Chadakoin River & work on ways to activate the river and its waterfront to provide an economically sustainable basis for future maintenance.
- CWC would act as the project manager, identifying problems, coming up with solutions, and applying for any permits needed with the DEC. The water is owned by NYS and the DEC has jurisdiction over it. Any kind of work that impacts the quality of the water requires a DEC permit. CWC is committed to only hire local contractors for the project.
- Need to get proactive and not be reactive.
Attorney Peterson suggested getting a consortium together, Town of Poland, Town of Ellicott and Village of Falconer for a “strength in numbers” approach in applying for funding.
Fire Advisory Board (FAB) Presentation
Presenting: Steve Vanstrom, Ken Lyons, Lance Hedland, and Peter Fuller
Key points from the presentation:
- With a new treasurer and accounting system, they are getting better information and feedback which helps with the planning. The FAB appreciates Treasurer Spunaugle for all her help and presence at the meetings.
- Implemented several maintenance agreements which will allow us to maintain our existing equipment for a longer time in order to save up for the higher costs of equipment.
- The Town of Ellicott invited the FAB to a board meeting for a presentation and they have also been participating in the FAB meetings.
- Active department membership is currently at 62, down from previous years.
- Fire hall was built in 1991 with a 75-year expectation. With continued maintenance on the building, the life expectation can be extended. A new roof, upgrade or replace the existing generator, installation of civil defense warning system and update handicap accessibility are items to be addressed in the near future.
- There was a 19% increase in equipment prices in 2021, followed by another 6% increase in 2022. Since 1980 we have always used a 3% increase each year to determine our budget needs for equipment replacement.
- Recommend that we separate the budget lines into 2 categories. Operational budget lines should be adjusted using the previous year data plus adjusting for inflation. Equipment should be evaluated for a 13-year adjusted future cost which includes accommodations for inflation and unforeseen changes.
- Suggest spreading the 29% cost increase in the past 2 years over a 6-year budget plan. Would like to reach a contribution level of $200,000 by the budget year 2030.
- Recommends adhering to a purchase order system with approval by either the mayor or the fire liaison. In addition, all purchases over $2000 should be pre-arranged and discussed with the FAB in advance of the purchase.
- The 50-year contract between the village and town is approaching the final years. Any changes will need to be addressed, agreed to and approved by both boards prior to the expiration of the current agreement.
- The village should continue to make budget progress reports available to the FAB for analysis and recommendations.
- The village and town officials should meet at least twice annually to discuss fiscal matters.
- Trustee Dunn spoke that he appreciates all the work that Steve Vanstrom does forecasting and figuring out how to buy vehicles on a cash basis to avoid the interest charges.
- Mayor Jaroszynski and the board would like to express their appreciation to the FAB for all the updates and the work that went into this presentation.
Trustee Dunn made a motion, seconded by Trustee Gustafson to adjourn the work session at 6:02 p.m. Ayes: All, Nays: None. Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Cindy Capestrani, Village Clerk