May 13, 2019 Regular Meeting
Mayor James R. Rensel
Trustee Timothy Dunn
Trustee James Jaroszynski-Absent/Excused
Trustee J. Michael Steele
Trustee Deette Dispenza
Lawrence Trask, Treasurer
Anna L. Fales, Village Clerk-Absent/Excused
Charles Piazza, Fire Chief
Alan P. Gustafson, Code Enforcement Officer
Peter C. Fuller, DPW Superintendent
Charles Piazza, Fire Chief-absent/excused for department meeting
The regular meeting of the Village of Falconer Mayor and Board of Trustees was held on Monday, May 13, 2019 at 7:00 P.M. in the Community Building Board Room with Mayor James Rensel presiding.
Students from the Falconer Central High School government class were present to witness the proceedings: Kaylee Vincent, Benjamin Schrader, Kyra Kanicki, and Klayton Campbell. Patty Franks and her daughter Teresa Blackburn, 520 Central Avenue, requested permission to house her 5 show dogs at her residence. She also stated that her son & daughter-in-law visit with their 6 bulldogs. Ms. Franks stated that all of the animals are vaccinated and licensed with the Town of Ellicott. It was explained to Ms. Franks that a complaint was received regarding the number of dogs at her residence. Trustee Steele noted that neighbors should be allowed to comment on this issue before a decision is made. A motion was made by Trustee Steele, seconded by Trustee Dunn, to table the discussion until June board meeting for further follow-up. Ayes: Dunn, Steele, Catanese and Rensel. Carried.
Brian Nelson, 22 W. Falconer Street, questioned why the village is moving the Farmers’ market location to E. Main Street. He stated that that location tend to “flood” and recommended the ground be checked, poses parking issues, eliminated the opportunity for parents of the shopping during their child’s driving tests. Mayor Rensel thanked Mr. Nelson for the chairs he donated for Davis Park.
Trustee Dunn made a motion, seconded by Trustee Catanese, to approve the minutes of April 8, 2019 as written. Ayes: Dunn, Steele, Catanese and Rensel. Carried.
Fire Chief
The chief’s April report was reviewed and noted that the department responded to 58 EMS calls, 5 fire, 1 car fire, 1 standby, 1 weather, 2 F/A-alarms, totaling 69 calls, 607 personnel hours in April.
Code Enforcement Office
The code enforcement report for April was reviewed noting that 9 building permits/17 YTD (verbal correction by Mr. Gustafson) were issued ($507.14 collected/$692.14 YTD), 12 building inspections were performed/25 YTD, 0 certificates of occupancy/0 YTD, and 2 certificates of compliance/6 YTD. There were 164 phone calls, e-mails, personal contacts made/269 YTD and 17 notices of complaints filed with action taken by the CE office in the month of April/41 YTD.
Mr. Gustafson reported that the village suffered two fires; one at the bowling alley and one house fire at 13 Mason Street.
Burger King, 43 E. Main Street, is undergoing upgrades and interior and exterior renovations and should re-open in approximately 5 weeks. Mr. Powell is working with a demo company to take down his building located at 21-27 W. Main Street which was damaged during the March 22, 2017 downtown fire.
Department of Public Works
The DPW report was reviewed for the period April 6-May 12, 2019.
Trustee Dunn made a motion, seconded by Trustee Steele, to approve the camera system upgrades for Falconer Park at a cost of $4049.00 though FSC Systems, LLC. Ayes: Dunn, Steele, Catanese and Rensel. Carried.
The April library report was reviewed. This month the library received $66.62 for fines, $50.95 for copies and faxes, $87.00 basket sale, $780.00 for gifts and donations, Ruth Walrod Fund (ends 2023) $934.67, Chautauqua Region Community Foundation (Band Concerts) $500.00, and $864.19 other-CCLS Materials Plan.
Trustee Catanese made a motion, seconded by Trustee Steele, to approve the library’s hiring of two part-time individuals to replace Sue Benson and Sue Seamans upon their leave of employment. There is no budget impact as long as new employment does not commence prior to the leave of both current employees. Ayes: Steele, Catanese and Rensel. Abstain: Dunn. Carried.
Animal Control:
The April Dog Control Incidence Report was reviewed and noted that appearance tickets were issued to Patty franks of 520 Central Avenue for 5 unlicensed dogs and for boarding more than 5 dogs: Section 48:15 of the Village Code.
Mr. Belin also noted that the village attorney should be consulted regarding the wording of Section 48:15 of the village code. Last update was 2/15/2003.
In regards to Ms. Franks’ violations and request to house more than 3 dogs, Trustee Steele said that the village must consider neighbors and make an informed decision regarding village code and impact on residents and neighbors.
Community Building:
The old Community Building sign had been removed and replaced with the new sign on the lawn in front of the village offices.
The committee continues to work with the William Pomeroy Foundation to secure a historical marker for Hugh Bedient. It was determined that the Phetteplace Little League field is not an option for placement of the marker because it poses no historical significance associated with Mr. Bedient at this location. The same is true for the Grace/Central Avenue location. We are now looking into Falconer Park for a potential placement area as it appears that is the location where the Falconer Independents played during Mr. Bedient’s time with the organization.
Old Business:
Following discussion with Treasurer Trask, the board agreed that the proposed sale of the village owned property at 211 E. James Street should be posted with a “For Sale Sign” and other marketing efforts.
New Business:
Be it RESOLVED to I cancel the existing village Key Bank credit cards, upon replacement, in the following names:
- Peter Fuller
- Lawrence Trask
- Anna Fales
- Charles Piazza
The village will maintain one M & T Bank credit card in the name, “Village of Falconer”, to be held in the village office and only be used under the authorization of the village treasurer. A motion was made by Trustee Dunn, seconded by Trustee Steele, to approve the resolution as written. Ayes: Dunn, Steele, Catanese and Rensel. Carried.
A motion was made by Trustee Catanese, seconded by Trustee Steele, to RESOLVE the Village of Falconer act as Lead Agency for the Comprehensive Plan SEQR review and adoption thereof. Ayes: Dunn, Steele, Catanese and Rensel. Carried.
A motion was made by Trustee Steele, seconded by Trustee Dunn, to proceed with Ingall’s Planning Design Phase II-Downtown Development Plan Bid to update the Zoning Law for the Village for the fee of $30,000. Ayes: Dunn, Steele, Catanese and Rensel. Carried.
A motion was made by Trustee Catanese, seconded by Trustee Dunn, to approve a request by DeEtte Dispenza to use of Davis Park for the Knit in Public Day on June 8, 2019 stating at 10 am. Ayes: Dunn, Steele, Catanese and Rensel. Carried.
Trustee Dunn made a motion, seconded by Trustee Steele that Abstract #12, General Fund in the amount of $85,924.28 be approved for payment. Ayes: Dunn, Steele, Catanese and Rensel. Carried
Trustee Steele made a motion, seconded by Trustee Dunn, that Abstract #12, Cemetery Fund in the amount of $480.57 be approved for payment. Ayes: Dunn, Steele, Catanese and Rensel. Carried
Trustee Catanese made a motion, seconded by Trustee Dunn, that Abstract #12, Library Fund in the amount of $1,752.13 be approved for payment. Ayes: Dunn, Steele, Catanese and Rensel. Carried
Trustee Steele made a motion, seconded by Trustee Catanese, that Abstract #12, General Fund Hand Items in the amount of $ 56,289.47 be approved for payment. Ayes: Dunn, Steele, Catanese and Rensel. Carried
Motion to Adjourn
Trustee Dunn made a motion, seconded by Trustee Steele, to adjourn the meeting at 8:29 PM. Ayes: Dunn, Steele, Catanese and Rensel. Carried. Carried.
Respectfully submitted as noted by Treasurer, Lawrence E. Trask & transcribed by Village Clerk, Anna L. Fales